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 IntuitivSpiritual Coaching

"Every heart-centered desire you hold is a part of your soul's calling. Trust it and it will take you where you want to go."
- Misty Sky   


In Intuitive Spiritual Coaching, Misty Sky uses ancient healing wisdom combined with modern techniques to help awaken your unique spiritual potential and inner power. This service is designed to help you access profound levels of understanding, enabling you to move forward with greater purpose and direction.

Take a journey of self-discovery to help you unlock your inner truth and clear away any energetic blocks preventing you from living a fulfilling life. Misty offers a safe, non-judgmental, and supportive space to explore your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs as you take your spiritual pilgrimage.

During your one-hour personalized one-on-one sessions performed remotely via Zoom, Misty will tap into the guidance channeled from Spirit, Guides, and Angels, as well as personal life experience and her coaching qualifications to help unlock your unique gifts, uncover your purpose, and remove energetic blockages as you move towards the life you truly desire. 

  SAVE  $18 

  SAVE  $44 

  SAVE  $174 

How do we aproach Intuitive spiritual coaching?

Intuitive Spiritual Coaching is a type of life coaching that focuses on helping you gain clarity and purpose in life through connecting with your intuition and journeying inwards to uncover your unique soul truth. It is designed to help you explore and understand your true inner self and develop a deeper understanding of your life path.

How Can I benefit from Intuitive Spiritual Coaching?

Intuitive Spiritual Coaching can help you gain clarity and understanding about yourself, your inner self, your life, and your purpose. You can gain insight into how to create meaningful change in your life and make decisions that are in alignment with your values. You can also learn how to trust your intuition, build self-awareness, reprogram your subconscious thoughts, and cultivate a deeper connection with yourself, the world around you, as well as the Universe.

Can I extend The session past the allotted 60 minutes if I feel it is necessary?

If Misty intuitively feels you need more time and if she has more time available for you on her schedule, she will give you the option to extend for another 15 or 30 minutes when the session is nearing the end. If you feel you need to stay longer, also please let her know and she will let you know if she has more time available to continue the session. If you choose to extend, payment will be sent and the session will resume. 

Pay For Extention Here:

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